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MS Activesync Not Connecting : Fix the Exchange Error 1202

Published By Ashwani Tiwari
Published On December 2nd, 2021
Reading Time 4 Minutes Reading
Category Exchange Server

The Exchange server comprises of a protocol named as ActiveSync, which enables clients to synchronize with the mailboxes of Exchange 2013 or 2010 with the mobile devices. This procedure involves items reconciling in between the MS Exchange server mailbox and the device. Well, a condition arises where a person is unable to establish this kind of connection in the server and receives an error i.e., Error 1202 : Microsoft ActiveSync Not connecting.

2 Major Ways to Fix MS Exchange Error 1202

Multiple solutions are available to resolve the Exchange server problem. The measures are totally dependent upon the different situations and factors. Hence, users can leverage upon any of the rendered approach to fix the issue in shortest time period.

Measure #1 : Way For Normal MS Exchange 2010 / 13 Users

Apply Authentication Through IIS Manager

  • Open IIS Manager at the end of client access server. Remember one thing that you will not be able to set ActiveSync feature in mailbox server.
  • Search for the virtual directory i.e., Microsoft-server-activesync
  • Hit on the Authentication from middle area of the recent screen
  • Activate Basic Authentication option for resolving 1202 : ActiveSync not connecting error

Time to Restart the IIS in Exchange Server

  • Go to Start >> Run and type cmd for opening the command prompt screen
  • Execute the iisreset/noforce command in the black screen of the command prompt

Assign Permissions with help of 2 Operations

  • Examine ‘Allow Inherit Permissions from Administrator users and computer’ under system folder
  • Expand the directory of ‘Microsoft-server-activesync’ and then add read, read write permissions in the Authenticated users

Recreate the Virtual Directory in the Exchange
You can fix error 1202 : ActiveSync not connecting with help of following virtual directories to continue error resolving procedure :

  • Get-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory
  • Remove-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory
  • New-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory
  • Set-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory
  • End Up Procedure by Restarting the IIS

The steps provided above to restart the IIS manager are provided above. Use the same procedure to update all the made changes in the Exchange server.

Measure #2 : Use Measure When Error Impact is on Multiple Users

It is possible that the error is faced by multiple users of the Exchange server. In this case, an individual needs to examine the object permissions. Check whether all the connection settings are proper or not. Use below-mentioned instructions to do the same :

  • Open the Active Directory Users and Computers wizard
  • Hit on View >> Advanced Features option
  • Move towards user object and double-click on it to view properties Click on the Security tab and then, Advanced button
    Note : Verify that Include inheritable permissions from this object’s parent is activated or not. If no then, enable it to successfully execute the following instructions.
  • Utilize below-mentioned steps for enabling the ActiveSync mailbox logging at client access server end :
    a) Open the Windows Explorer screen on your machine and move towards the Exchange Sync folder i.e., C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\ClientAccess\Sync
    b) Create a copy of the web.config file and then, open this file with help of the Notepad
    c) Make changes in the encountered text as per displayed in the following screenshot :
    d) Open the IIS Manager and then, expand server to choose Application Pools
    e) Right click on MSExchangeSyncAppPool to Stop button
    f) Again, right click on the MSExchangeSyncAppPool and then, choose Start option
    g) Open the Exchange Management shell windows on your machine and execute the following command :
  • Verify Settings to Finally Fix the Error
    This is impossible that the MS ActiveSync component arrives towards the destination, as per the demand. You have to verify that the request and response are properly sent and then received as per the requirements.
    Once you are done with above provided measures, you will be able to establish a connection between mobile and the Exchange mailbox. Customers need to be aware from all virtual directories of the Microsoft Exchange server.


The article discusses about the 2 main approaches to resolve Error 1202 : ActiveSync not connecting. There might exists many other measures for troubleshooting the error. Hence, it is totally dependent upon the person that what workaround he / she wants to utilize.